
6 degree celsius

that was how cold the river was we rafted on yesterday

glacier fed i might add

lots of class three and some four (those were the fun ones)

here is cait falling out of the boat after a team photo

we were in full wet suits and helmets

our guide was from costa rica

named carlos

who's brother runs a costaricaextreme.com

nice plug for them

rafters in our group were from canada, england and new zealand

such a great time

the river fed into one of the lakes that borders interlaken

we actually jumped into both the river and the lake

fulfilling cait's first wish when we got here

to swim in the bright blue water of lake brienz

after the full day of rafting we packed up for cinque terre

cait decided to lose her passport for about an hour

that was fun

as you can imagine

we found it

tried to find hostels in rome

and determine where we are going next

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