
city of lights

we have landed

plane was delayed two seperate times

door wouldnt seal and engine wouldnt start

almost twelve hours on the plane; scheduled for seven

plane ride was nice

minus old man winter in the row behind us listening to "shake it" so loud i thought he had a boombox on his lap

on demand movies should be on every plane

took off at 630pm msp time; landed at 934am paris time

forgive any typos but the keys are mixed up here

forgive qny typos but the keys qre ,ixed up here

the last sentence is typed using american key positions

back to the trip

three successful trains to reach our hotel

not bad for two rookies in france

joel would be so proud

as of now we have been up for almost 30 hours straight

needless to say we are tired

could not check in until 330

dropped off the bags and started to walk

got to the seine and notre dame

had some lunch where no one spoke english; interesting

it was cloudy and cool with off and on rain

we walked a lot

got lost a lot

finally checked into our hotel

tried to plan out the rest of our time here

we will be doing the big sights tomorrow

also buying our train tickets to switzerland for sunday

this internet cafe does not allow my camera to upload pics

so that will have to wait

i did get a great picture of the sun setting while we were over hudson bay

off to grab some dinner

some water

and some sleep


JoeSkudlarek@gmail.com said...

Forgot to mention the confusing Euro-keyboards; you did a great job. Greater job on the trains to the hotel, also. Continue to be careful, but, HAVE FUN!!! I read your 1st Paris blog entry to Grandma. She was tickled and sends her love to both of you. JJS

Barb said...

Thanks for the update. Must have been interesting ordering lunch where no one spoke english. Have fun tomorrow. Love B&B