
five towns

tonight is our last night here

and we are sad to say goodbye

this place has a certain way of slowing you down

it was a well deserved resting place

couple of days on the beach

another amazing hike

all during sunny ninety degree days

funny that this weekend is tradionally the last weekend of summer

and we are lucky enough to sepnd it here

again we met some interesting folks

had drinks and dinner with them last night

cait ended up behind the bar for a second straight night

gotta love free drinks

so far the food has been the best of the trip

we are staying in some guys guest house i read about

honor system bar

one euro beer and wine

by far the best deal in town

tomorrow we are off to visit a friend in rome for a few days

please tell the grandparents we will say hi to the pope for them

still no word on where our next stop will be

its proving difficult to find a logical & easy (translate: fast & cheap) spot to get to from rome

then get to amsterdam for our final stop

we will keep you posted

we passed our half way point of the trip this weekend

it has been everything we expected and so much more

the sights and sounds are truely unique

nothing can compare to this in the states

we feel truely blessed to have been able to take this trip

and share it will you all

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