
the best of

our last night in amsterdam cait and i sat down to do the best of… and some worst of… these are just our opinions from our experiences...

best place to stay: hotel in amsterdam (we splurged a little towards the end)

worst place to stay: accommodations wise it was switzerland rome was pretty shady too, but we had a great time in both places

best meal: cinque terre (pesto ravioli and scampi)

worst meal: some agentinian steak place in amsterdam

best guy we met: guy named alex from australia, met him in rome and hung out with him for two days

worst guy we met: a random in a bar in cinque terre, very intense with a interesting past

best girl we met: three lads from redding, england... drinking games and walking the streets of rome at 3AM

worst girl we met: waitress in cinque terre, did not like americans

best views: tie between swizerland and cinque terre, both equally gorgeous

worst views: rome

best train ride: coming into interlaken, mountains on two sides and lakes on the other two

worst train ride: think we already covered this one

best train station: rome

worst train station: milan

best overall people: switzerland

worst overall people: paris

best weather: interlaken

worst weather:amsterdam

best activity: white water rafting in switzerland

worst activity: audio tour of the ruins by the coliseum

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