
rome is burning

well not literally

but its hot

we arrived sunday

just in time for the rome-naples soccer match (the fans do not like each other)

picture armstrong-cooper day times a million

as we headed to meet our friend amber for dinner

we ran into thirty plus buses filled with naples fans

each escorted by twenty of so police in riot gear

as we passed the train station there was actually tons of people running

running from the train station in case something happens

like the kind of running when there is a fire

it was crazy to say the least

we then run into a 10k that is going through the city

making us a little late for dinner

monday was spent in vatican city with some new friends

saw JPII's tomb

sistine chapel

st. peter's (its huge)

we took a guided tour

learned a great deal

next to trevi fountain

today was spent at the colosseum (also huge)

and impressive

our feet hate us

the evenings have been spent at the bar in our hostel

by now we have met at least half the people in this place

its a lot of fun

we introduced them to faded eights last night

kostka would have been proud

we have been hanging out with lots of aussies and brits

(nerd, i learned some interesting things about the kangaroo you might be intereseted in)

we decided to spend an extra day in rome

and grab a bunch of trains to make it to amsterdam a day earlier than planned

getting to prague proved too difficult

next post will come from holland

go twins

miss ya'll at home

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