
what we learned

few thoughts on the trip now that i have had a day to rest and reflect...

-jet lag's a bitch

-patience is still a virtue

-trying new things is usually worth it

-take time to slow down (smell the roses if you will)

-cait and i are very similar people, its interesting to spend three straight weeks with someone, you learn a lot

-big cities all smell like crap no matter where you are

-i love where i live and the people that are in my life (not really a lesson but a greater appreciation)

-things we saw everywhere

ice cream/gelato stands

coffee shops

french fries



irish pubs

-personal space does not exist in Europe

-everyone knows a little English (interesting to watch a japanese and italian person talk and engligh was the way they did it)

-some parts of europe really do close for a one or two months at a time for holiday

-washing clothes in your sink is not fun

-we only saw one mexican restaurant and that was in amsterdam and that was a steak/mexican place

-on the plane writing this and "closing time" came on the ipod…

very fitting

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