
good bye paris, hello interlaken

we have left the land of crepes

onto the land of mountains

swizerland is absolutley geogrous

we stayed in bern last night

may have been the best night of the trip so far

not just because of the name

the city was dead

but we stayed up drinking with some random german bus driver

had great conversation

moved a little bit slower this morning

finally made it to interlaken

and everyone who recomended this place

thank you

we are so glad we made it here

today we just walked around, took pics

sorry no pics today, forgot the cord

met some guys from texas who recomened a few things to do while we are here

also got our reservations for monteresso and rome


Shaun said...

No XOXOXOX's from Nerd. Bern, quit making your sister pass out from carrying your pack.

Hi Barb!

Barb said...

Not sure first post went thru so reposting comment. Delete if duplicate...

BJ & Caity,
Hope all is well in your world.

Had dinner with Diane & Tom on Saturday, they mentioned when visiting Italy, Cinque Terre is a must see. I believe you and Caity have reservations in Monterresso, but they also highly recommend you make it over to Vernazza and Manorola.

Enjoy Switzerland, the Funny Farm and your time together. We look forward to your posts & pics.
Love B & B