

four straight days of rain was how we ended our trip

we were ok with it after ten days of 90 plus weather

it did eventually suck to walk around in

our stay was nice and relaxing

each day consisting of a mid afternoon siesta

went to the van gough museum

anne frank house (bigger than i expected)

flower market

red light district (could write a whole post about that area)

and walked around a lot

ate some very good food

drank some good beer

overall a good last stop

i am now home

cait has gone on to ireland for school

i am back at work

just under 500 emails to get through

good stuff

few more posts coming tonight or tomorrow

1 comment:

joevi said...

Excellent Narrative BJ!

Cinque Terre must be a pretty cool spot - my daughter visited the area a few years ago and it was her favorite.

Welcome Home.
